About Us
How did it all start
The Bluebird Project started as a winter project
It was born from the frustration of a group of wreck-diving enthusiasts who’d evolved their wreck location techniques but due to working predominantly in the North Sea found themselves with only four months every year (in a good season) when they could indulge their passion.
Once the wreckage of Bluebird was back on dry land the rebuild began.
Twenty years later, and after superhuman effort and sacrifice by not only the Bluebird Project volunteers but also their families and the weight of British industry, The Ruskin Museum went back on the arrangement that Bluebird Project would look after and maintain the boat and Bluebird Project was betrayed in the worst possible way. But we're still here watching, commenting and, above all, being the BBP family and mending other things.
Restoration in progess
Restoration of parts

Bluebird Project
Hudson Street
North Shields
Tyne and Wear
NE30 1DL